MEAB accreditation
We are proud to be the only accredited Montessori nursery in the East Midlands.
We are always working to ensure that our Montessori setting meets the highest standards of Montessori education. The St Nicholas MEAB accreditation offers us a benchmark for this. We received our re-accreditation in December 2017. Read the report in full here.
Extract from the 2017 MEAB report:
"Market Harborough Montessori Nursery has a strong partnership with parents and together they make this nursery a caring and inspiring environment for children to learn in."
Ofsted Report
We are an Ofsted registered nursery. Our last inspection was carried out in 2022, where we were rated GOOD. Read the report in full here.
Extract from the 2022 report:
" Staff plan activities to support children's learning and development further. They confidently know the children they care for and understand how to support children's progress. "
" Children show they are happy and confident at nursery...They show good levels of engagement in their play and have a positive attitude towards their learning."
" Parents report they are happy with the nursery and that their children enjoy attending. They say staff are friendly and welcoming, helping their child to settle.."
Healthy Tots setting
We worked to become part of the Leicestershire Healthy Tots programme, achieving Healthy Tots status. To become accredited, we worked through a plan related to the criteria: Healthy Eating, Physical Activity and Emotional Health and Well-being. We continue to promote healthy eating and healthy lifestyles and received our re-accreditation in January 2021.